Completely admitting that I am procrastinating this evening. It was a pretty
long day at work and there was a big need to unwind.
Didn’t feel like reading any of my books tonight.
To occupy the time, here are some random thoughts knocking around:
- I wonder who would be interested in my homelab setup?
- There is a need for processing emails faster. Unfortunately, collecting my thoughts take a while before I can write.
- I am really liking my Nuphy Air75 and my Mad Noodle MacroPad.
- Usnea (a type of moss) is a barometer of pollution. Where it grows = clean environment. I guess that is why a city that can only be accessed via boat / airplane has a crap tonne of it growing.
- Incredibly useful self-hosted tool? HedgeDoc. I use it every day to take notes.
- Impostor syndrome is a pain in the arse.
- I’m on one of those command-line ONLY kicks. I’ve re-setup NeoMutt, imapfilter, offlineimap and msmtp for my email; how do I sort messages into mailboxes again?!
- I should aspire to write better README’s for my projects, even the private ones.